Lightbulb Electric Masters

What Causes Tripped Circuits Part 2

Circuit breaker trips are incredibly common, but do you know what causes them?

Whether you are renting or buying your home, chances are, you’ve dealt with a tripped circuit or two. Most people think that tripped circuits are always due to overloads, and while overloaded circuits are certainly the most common reason why circuit breakers trip, there are a couple of other possible reasons. If you haven’t already, check out our Cincinnati, OH electrician’s latest blog to learn all about overloaded circuits, and keep reading to learn about the other two common causes of circuit breaker trips:

#2. Electrical Shorts

When an electrical current cannot travel through a circuit because of damaged wires or a worn out appliance, it leads to an electrical short. Faulty wiring, rodent damage and outdated wiring are common reasons why a circuit could short. Because short circuits could indicate a problem with the wiring, it’s important to get professional help right away if you think you may have one.

#3. Ground Faults

A ground fault occurs when a “hot” wire inadvertently comes into contact with the ground wire or the grounded portion of an appliance, electrical device or junction box. The ground fault sends a large electrical current into the circuit, which causes the breaker to trip. If you think you may have experienced a ground fault, you need to consult an electrician.

In most cases, if you are just dealing with an overloaded circuit, you can fix it by resetting the circuit breaker. If your circuit breaker continues to trip, however, you may have a more serious problem, like a ground fault or an electrical short, on your hands. Stay tuned for our next blog to learn more.